Creaza Has Launched Master Themes!

As you may have noticed, Creaza has recently made certain changes to our top menu. The "Home" button has been replaced by two new buttons: "Activities" and "Tools". Under the former you will find all the hundreds of ready-made activities, and under the latter you will only find the actual tools.  

Video editing made simple

When students are making videos at school, these videos have a tendency to be a bit slow and not always too easy on the eyes. They could be drastically improved by following a few steps. 

Instead of shooting the entire film in one take with little or no any planning, following a few steps can make both the planning, shooting and editing much more fun. And the finished product will be so much better and more enjoyable to watch.

Creaza International Newsletter

Click on the image to read.

Meet Creaza at BETT 2014

The learning technology event Bett is the global meeting place for the education technology community, bringing together 35,000 educators and learning professionals every January. This year the event will take place from January 22 to January 25 at Excel London.

Look to Denmark!

The Danish government continues its mission to strengthen the country’s elementary and middle schools. In 2014 80 million DKK has been allocated for the purpose of purchasing interactive digital learning tools and content. This is all part of Denmark’s extensive committment to digital learning resources and to "Den Nye Folkeskole". In total, the scope of the initiative amounts to no less than 500 million DKK over a period of 5 years.

Vant språkkonkurranse med film laget i Creaza.

Høsten 2012 inviterte Nasjonalbiblioteket, i samarbeid med de nasjonale sentrene for flerkulturell opplæring, fremmedspråk, matematikk, nynorsk og samisk, norske skoleelever til å delta i språkkonkurransen Språk i ditt liv. Nå er konkurransen avsluttet, og vinnere har blitt kåret. Creaza ønsker i den anledning å gratulere klasse 6B fra Hasle skole, og deres lærer Ida Marie Haugli, med førsteplass i konkurransen.

Creaza Premium to teachers & learners through AV Media Skåne

Creaza is proud to announce that more than 50 000 students and 4 000 teachers in more than 30 schools from 20 different Swedish municipalities now all have access to Creaza Premium through AV Media Skåne! AV Media Skåne will, in collaboration with Creaza, begin conducting a large-scale pedagogical education initiative for teachers. We will start this spring and continue until spring 2014. Is your school an "AV Media Skåne" school? Keep an eye out for AV Media's newsletter for more information.

Algebra presented in a new and fun way with Creaza

Students from Malmö University are flipping their classroom with Creaza MovieEditor. Watch their fun Swedish video that shows how easy Algebra is ;-)

Creaza Mindomo - Premium tool for mindmaps and presentations

We have now completed a brand new tutorial for the new version of the mind mapping tool Mindomo. The tutorial is available with both Norwegian and English voice-overs.