Creaza at SETT 2015

From April 13 to 17 Creaza will be in Stockholm at the Scandinavian Educational Technology Transformation, or SETT, conference. SETT is Scandianavia’s largest conference for ICT and learning, and thousands of teachers, ICT coordinators, school leaders and politicians will be present.

Mindomo & New Cartoonist App

In Creaza we are working hard with some exciting news. In a few weeks our users will meet a brand new Mindomo (Mindmapping & Presentation tool) entirely HTML based with realtime collaboration features. We are also making a brand new Cartoonist App for the iPad that will work smooth with the new Creaza Portal and all the available exercises. A few weeks later our goal is to launch this app also for Android and Windows tablets.

Creaza Newsletter - Merry Christmas

Creaza wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Creaza @ SETT 2014 and NKUL 2014

Creaza will be in Stockholm at Scandianavia's largest conference for ICT and learning. This is the third year of "Scandinavian Educational Technology Transformation" and thousands of teachers, ICT coordinators, school leaders and politicians will be there.

Welcome to Gothenburg's Teachers and Students!

The new version of Creaza has received loads of positive feedback from our users, something that is much appreciated! If you have any comments, questions or thoughts, please feel free to email us at

Creaza-nyheter, september 2013

Vi på Creaza hoppas att ni haft en härlig start på läsåret. Hos oss i Creaza har det varit fullt upp och vi har hunnit möta många kommuner och lärare redan. Framöver i höst hoppas vi att möta ännu fler då vi kommer att delta på en rad mässor i norden. Nedan finner ni en liten lista över vilka konferenser som vi finns med på. Vi startar redan nästa vecka med Framtidens läromedel i Uppsala.

Creaza News, September 2013

Digital Learning Tool of the Year.
Creaza is proud to be one of the the four finalists for Framtidens Läromedel's award for the best digital learning learning tool of the year. A big thank you goes out to those who nominated us. You can read more about Framtidens Läromedel here:

Creaza Premium to teachers & learners through AV Media Skåne

Creaza is proud to announce that more than 50 000 students and 4 000 teachers in more than 30 schools from 20 different Swedish municipalities now all have access to Creaza Premium through AV Media Skåne! AV Media Skåne will, in collaboration with Creaza, begin conducting a large-scale pedagogical education initiative for teachers. We will start this spring and continue until spring 2014. Is your school an "AV Media Skåne" school? Keep an eye out for AV Media's newsletter for more information.

Creaza i Stockholm

Creaza var i Stockholm 18. og 19 mai - 2009.