Aleksander Knudsen

I am the support manager in Creaza, and I know all there is to know about how Creaza is working. I have been working in Creaza since 2012.
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Recent Posts

Summer 2016

The summer is finally here again! The schools in the Nordic countries have already started their vacations, while schools in countries such as the Netherlands, the UK and the US will have to wait until July to begin theirs. 

SXSWedu 2016 and Sweden

This week Creaza will be present several places in Sweden, as well as in Austin, Texas, where we will be attending the SWXEDU conference.

Creaza at SXSWedu 2016

This week Creaza will be present several places in Sweden, as well as in Austin, Texas, where we will be attending the SWXEDU conference.

Bett 2016

Creaza will of course be attending the Bett conference in London this year. Bett is one of the world's largest conferences when it comes to education and technology. It is expected that close to 40 000 people will be attending this year!

Brand New Creaza Coming On Monday!

Creaza’s website will be unavailable from around 17.00 (UTC+1) on February 28 until 06.00 on March 3, while we are implementing the new version. On March 3, all users will meet a brand new Creaza when they log in.

Learning to read and write with Creaza.

There are always lots of positive things happening in the creative world of Creaza. In the picture below, taken in a classroom at Veggli school in Norway, you can see 13 six-year-old students, each with their own PC.

Creaza in the classroom.

The fall semester is in full swing, and most European countries have already concluded their fall breaks. Creaza has attended a wide range of conferences and held lots of workshops this fall, especially in the Nordic countries.

Creaza i klassrummet

Höstterminen är i full gång och i alla de nordiska länderna är höstlovet nu genomfört. Creaza har deltagit på många olika konferenser och genomfört en massa workshops under hösten. Vecka 44, den stora kompetensutvecklingsveckan i Sverige, är nu förbi. I Creaza är vi mycket imponerade över det breda utbudet av kompetensutveckling som de flesta lärarna i Sverige erbjuds under denna intensiva och lärorika vecka. Det digitala området har också haft ett särskilt stort fokus i de olika utbildningsinsatserna. I Creaza har vi denna vecka bidragit i olika sammanhang med både utbildning och inspiration i Kalmar, Stockholm, Helsingborg, Mölndal och i Tromsö i Norge.

Creaza awarded "Best Digital Learning Tool"!

Josef Holmqvist (left) and Arild Storm (right)

Creaza är Årets digitala läromedel!

Josef Holmqvist (v) och Arild Storm (h)