Welcome to Gothenburg's Teachers and Students!

The new version of Creaza has received loads of positive feedback from our users, something that is much appreciated! If you have any comments, questions or thoughts, please feel free to email us at post@creaza.com.

Exercises in Creaza

With the brand new version of Creaza, you can still do everything you have always done, but we also have increased the pedagogical, creative and collaborative possibilities!

Creaza International Newsletter

Click on the image to read.

Happy New Year - 2014 is here

During the holidays Creaza has upgraded its entire back-end solution in order to improve performance and user experience. This has been done to strengthen our solution before the launch of he brand new version of Creaza, which is to be released late February 2014. We will return with more information about the new Creaza soon.

Creaza Nyhetsbrev 1 - 2013

Creaza startet året med å delta på BETT-konferansen på London Exhibition and Convention Centre. Vi var svært fornøyde med å møte så mange engasjerte mennesker og å få så mye positiv feedback. På konferansens siste dag fikk Creazas stand besøk av Norges handels- og næringsminister, Trond Giske. Giske gjennomførte noen korte "speed dates" med ulike norske selskaper som leverer digitale tjenester og verktøy til utdanning. Hensikten var å få litt informasjon om selskapene og for å diskutere fremtiden for IKT i utdanningen både i Norge og i utlandet. Han fikk i tillegg en kort presentasjon av Creaza, moderselskapet Inspera og søsterselskapene WeVideo, Inspera Assessment og ExplorAmaze.

NEW theme: "Future Globe"

Creaza will be adding a new Cartoonist theme in the very near future. The theme is called “Future Globe”, and it is set in the year 2050. This theme will enable students to work on relevant and current issues, such as climate change, environmental challenges and energy, in a futuristic perspective.

Creaza - Extreme Makeover!

Creaza will be undergo a major upgrade this coming thursday. We are very happy and excited to announce that we will launch a brand new, and drastically improved, version of Creaza's website!

Merry Christmas!

Creaza newsflash


Creaza newsletter 01-2012 - Creaza 4.0 is now released!

Creaza 4.0 is now released!