We are constantly adding new content, features, and possibilities in Creaza. Below you will find several examples of what's new in Creaza.
Posted by Creaza on March 27, 2019
We are constantly adding new content, features, and possibilities in Creaza. Below you will find several examples of what's new in Creaza.
Posted by Carl Morten Knudsen on January 13, 2015
Bett is the world's leading learning technology event and has been bringing innovation and inspiration to the education sector for over 30 years. Join more than 35,000 people, at ExCeL London 21 - 24 January.
Posted by Carl Morten Knudsen on February 24, 2014
Click on the image to read.
Posted by Carl Morten Knudsen on January 14, 2014
The learning technology event Bett is the global meeting place for the education technology community, bringing together 35,000 educators and learning professionals every January. This year the event will take place from January 22 to January 25 at Excel London.
Posted by Aleksander Knudsen on November 11, 2013
There are always lots of positive things happening in the creative world of Creaza. In the picture below, taken in a classroom at Veggli school in Norway, you can see 13 six-year-old students, each with their own PC.
Posted by Aleksander Knudsen on November 4, 2013
The fall semester is in full swing, and most European countries have already concluded their fall breaks. Creaza has attended a wide range of conferences and held lots of workshops this fall, especially in the Nordic countries.
Posted by Aleksander Knudsen on November 1, 2013
Höstterminen är i full gång och i alla de nordiska länderna är höstlovet nu genomfört. Creaza har deltagit på många olika konferenser och genomfört en massa workshops under hösten. Vecka 44, den stora kompetensutvecklingsveckan i Sverige, är nu förbi. I Creaza är vi mycket imponerade över det breda utbudet av kompetensutveckling som de flesta lärarna i Sverige erbjuds under denna intensiva och lärorika vecka. Det digitala området har också haft ett särskilt stort fokus i de olika utbildningsinsatserna. I Creaza har vi denna vecka bidragit i olika sammanhang med både utbildning och inspiration i Kalmar, Stockholm, Helsingborg, Mölndal och i Tromsö i Norge.
Posted by Aleksander Knudsen on September 26, 2013
Posted by Aleksander Knudsen on September 26, 2013
Creaza AS
Brynsveien 18
N-0667 Oslo