EdTech Europe today announced the initial results of its EdTech 20 ranking, unveiling the top 20 e-Learning companies in Europe in terms of innovation, scale, market impact and revenue growth over the past year.
The Danish government continues its mission to strengthen the country’s elementary and middle schools. In 2014 80 million DKK has been allocated for the purpose of purchasing interactive digital learning tools and content. This is all part of Denmark’s extensive committment to digital learning resources and to "Den Nye Folkeskole". In total, the scope of the initiative amounts to no less than 500 million DKK over a period of 5 years.
Vi på Creaza hoppas att ni haft en härlig start på läsåret. Hos oss i Creaza har det varit fullt upp och vi har hunnit möta många kommuner och lärare redan. Framöver i höst hoppas vi att möta ännu fler då vi kommer att delta på en rad mässor i norden. Nedan finner ni en liten lista över vilka konferenser som vi finns med på. Vi startar redan nästa vecka med Framtidens läromedel i Uppsala.
Digital Learning Tool of the Year.
Creaza is proud to be one of the the four finalists for Framtidens Läromedel's award for the best digital learning learning tool of the year. A big thank you goes out to those who nominated us. You can read more about Framtidens Läromedel here: http://www.framtidenslaromedel.se/
Høsten 2012 inviterte Nasjonalbiblioteket, i samarbeid med de nasjonale sentrene for flerkulturell opplæring, fremmedspråk, matematikk, nynorsk og samisk, norske skoleelever til å delta i språkkonkurransen Språk i ditt liv. Nå er konkurransen avsluttet, og vinnere har blitt kåret. Creaza ønsker i den anledning å gratulere klasse 6B fra Hasle skole, og deres lærer Ida Marie Haugli, med førsteplass i konkurransen.
It has been a busy time since BETT 2010 for Creaza. We have been developing a lot and travelling a lot.
2010 is here and the BETT conference is approaching fast. Creaza will participate at BETT in Olympia, London from January 13th to 16th. We are also very proud of being shortlisted at the BETT Awards.