Aleksander Knudsen

I am the support manager in Creaza, and I know all there is to know about how Creaza is working. I have been working in Creaza since 2012.
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Recent Posts

Creaza the Nacima way!

Nacima teaches math and science in the fourth and ninth grade at Brageskolen in Sollentuna. This is a very good school, and their main focus is on language, both verbal and writing skills.

Creaza - Extreme Makeover!

Creaza will be undergo a major upgrade this coming thursday. We are very happy and excited to announce that we will launch a brand new, and drastically improved, version of Creaza's website!

Creaza will be present at BETT 2013 – Will you?

It is that time of the year again - It is BETT time!

Merry Christmas!

Creaza’s Cartoonist app included in App Store’s “Best of 2012″ list!

Apple has recently made a list of the best apps from its App Store this year:

Creaza Mindomo - Premium tool for mindmaps and presentations

We have now completed a brand new tutorial for the new version of the mind mapping tool Mindomo. The tutorial is available with both Norwegian and English voice-overs.

Creaza at Uddannelsesforum 2012

This week Creaza will be present and participating at Uddannelsesforum 2012 in Copenhagen. Uddannelsesforum is a combined conference and exhibit that focuses on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in education. For more information, click on the link below:

Download the Cartoonist app FOR FREE!

If you want to download the Creaza Cartoonist app for the iPad for free, you still have until the end of the day. Just click on the link below:

We are truly sorry!

Creaza is down because we are busy making our tools even better.