Look to Denmark!

The Danish government continues its mission to strengthen the country’s elementary and middle schools. In 2014 80 million DKK has been allocated for the purpose of purchasing interactive digital learning tools and content. This is all part of Denmark’s extensive committment to digital learning resources and to "Den Nye Folkeskole". In total, the scope of the initiative amounts to no less than 500 million DKK over a period of 5 years.

Happy New Year - 2014 is here

During the holidays Creaza has upgraded its entire back-end solution in order to improve performance and user experience. This has been done to strengthen our solution before the launch of he brand new version of Creaza, which is to be released late February 2014. We will return with more information about the new Creaza soon.

Learning to read and write with Creaza.

There are always lots of positive things happening in the creative world of Creaza. In the picture below, taken in a classroom at Veggli school in Norway, you can see 13 six-year-old students, each with their own PC.

Creaza in the classroom.

The fall semester is in full swing, and most European countries have already concluded their fall breaks. Creaza has attended a wide range of conferences and held lots of workshops this fall, especially in the Nordic countries.

Creaza i klassrummet

Höstterminen är i full gång och i alla de nordiska länderna är höstlovet nu genomfört. Creaza har deltagit på många olika konferenser och genomfört en massa workshops under hösten. Vecka 44, den stora kompetensutvecklingsveckan i Sverige, är nu förbi. I Creaza är vi mycket imponerade över det breda utbudet av kompetensutveckling som de flesta lärarna i Sverige erbjuds under denna intensiva och lärorika vecka. Det digitala området har också haft ett särskilt stort fokus i de olika utbildningsinsatserna. I Creaza har vi denna vecka bidragit i olika sammanhang med både utbildning och inspiration i Kalmar, Stockholm, Helsingborg, Mölndal och i Tromsö i Norge.

Creaza awarded "Best Digital Learning Tool"!

Josef Holmqvist (left) and Arild Storm (right)

Creaza Nyhetsbrev, August 2013 (Norsk)

Creaza ønsker alle elever og lærere tilbake til et nytt semester! Vi håper sommerferien har vært flott, og at alle har hatt tid til å lade batteriene! Det første halvåret i 2013 har vært svært spennende, innholdsrikt og hektisk for Creaza. Store deler av tiden har vært tilbrakt på farta, blant annet på konferanser som BETT i London, SETT i Stockholm og NKUL i Trondheim.

Cornelia's final exam.

Creaza would like to congratulate Cornelia from Asker vgs in Norway, who recently finished high school (Videregående skole). Her last act as a student was an oral exam in Norwegian. For her presentation, she chose to use Creaza Mindomo because she wanted to try something new and different. She had never used Mindomo before, but found it intuitive and easy right away. Below you can see her presentation, which looked at what impact the development of language and culture has had on the Norwegian national identity: