Webinar klockan 15.15 - Arbeta med Creaza för fjärrundervisning!

Skriven av Creaza den 2020-mar-17 11:16:47


Vi kommer varje dag den här veckan hålla webbinarium mellan 15.15-16.00 med fokus på hur du kan arbeta med Creazas olika verktyg för fjärrundervisning.

Creaza at SETT 2015

Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2015-apr-13 13:32:47

From April 13 to 17 Creaza will be in Stockholm at the Scandinavian Educational Technology Transformation, or SETT, conference. SETT is Scandianavia’s largest conference for ICT and learning, and thousands of teachers, ICT coordinators, school leaders and politicians will be present.

Meet Creaza @ BETT 2015

Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2015-jan-13 23:29:35

Bett is the world's leading learning technology event and has been bringing innovation and inspiration to the education sector for over 30 years. Join more than 35,000 people, at ExCeL London 21 - 24 January.

This is Creaza - creaza.com

Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2014-nov-06 12:58:04

Creaza @ SETT 2014 and NKUL 2014

Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2014-maj-06 13:24:53

Creaza will be in Stockholm at Scandianavia's largest conference for ICT and learning. This is the third year of "Scandinavian Educational Technology Transformation" and thousands of teachers, ICT coordinators, school leaders and politicians will be there.