Creaza’s Cartoonist app included in App Store’s “Best of 2012″ list!
Skriven av Aleksander Knudsen den 2012-dec-14 20:33:59
Apple has recently made a list of the best apps from its App Store this year:
Sweden and the iPad
Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2012-okt-29 02:17:22
This week is the big Competence Week for Sweden’s schools. All the Swedish students are on holiday, while most of the teachers are participating in different competence raising projects. Creaza has a lot of Swedish customers, and view Sweden as one of the most innovative and advanced countries when it comes to integrating digital learning in the schools.
Creaza newsletter 01-2012 - Creaza 4.0 is now released!
Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2012-sep-18 13:05:56
Creaza 4.0 is now released!