Norwegian and Swedish user conferences

The last couple of weeks Creaza met a lot of Creaza users from Norway and Sweden. Fronter AS held their yearly user conferences in the two countries. For us at Creaza it was extremely nice to meet users and get their feedback. Users are happy with the product and the possibilities, but they also gave us feedback on what they would like as new content and functionality in the next release of Creaza.

At both conferences we made presentations on the possibilities with Creaza and showed what is new in the 3.2 release. Even more interesting, teachers from both Norway and Sweden showed how they let their students use Creaza in their learning process and in their creative project work. We are very pleased that there are so many professional and good teachers using Creaza with their students in such a good way.

Historical moments

In the latest release (Creaza 3.2) there is a lot of new and improved functionality, especially in MovieEditor. We have made this video to show you some of the new possibilities.

Go be creative !