Arild Storm

I am a general expert and COO at Creaza. With my background as a teacher I really enjoy bringing Creaza to classrooms around the world.
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Some examples from the brand new theme, "The Post War Period"

Skriven av Arild Storm den 2009-jun-22 15:14:16

Here are some examples of the characters and the background "Berlin Wall" from the thematic universe, "The Post War Period". As you can see, it is now possible to make the cartoon strip in 16:9 ratio. Just click the picture to see the example.

Slik bruker du tegneserieverktøyet i Creaza

Skriven av Arild Storm den 2009-jun-11 15:44:05

Klikk på bildet for å se film om hvordan du kan bruke tegneserieverktøyet i Creaza.

Workshop på NKUL

Skriven av Arild Storm den 2009-maj-19 15:25:26