This weekend we released Creaza 3.0. The highlights from this release are some important features and improved GUI. Below you can see listed the new features and improvements.
- Added more clipart and it is more structured.
- New templates (skins) for the mindmaps
- Easier access to notes, multimeda, hyperlinks and task information
- "Save as"-functionality, save new instances of your mindmaps (*)
- Better zoom-functionality, now you can zoom in several times without having to zoom out (*)
- "Save as"-functionality, save new instances of your cartoons (*)
- Export your movies as mp4-files (*)
- Expand and collapse layers vertically. Default is collapsed. Expand for more functionality (adjust layer volume, mute, solo) (*).
- Collapse layers horizontally for more workspace (*)
- Add a marker to your timeline with descriptional text (*)
- "Save as"-functionality, save new instances of your movies (*)
- Drawing og waveforms on the audiolayers
- Support for SWF- and GIF-animations in gfx-layers
- Editing track title (*)
- Export your soundclips as m4a-files (*)
- Expand and collapse layers vertically. Default is collapsed. Expand for more functionality (adjust layer volume, mute, solo) (*).
- Collapse layers horizontally for more workspace (*)
- Collapse the media browser for more workspace (*)
- Add a marker to your timeline with descriptional text (*)
- "Save as"-functionality, save new instances of your soundclips (*)
- Drawing og waveforms on the audiolayers
- Editing track title (*)