Creaza on the road

Skriven av Carl Morten Knudsen den 2009-nov-12 02:25:46

3th and 4th of November 2009 Creaza participated at Uddannelsesforum in Odense, Denmark. Creaza was represented together with our partner Fronter Denmark. It was an exiting conference with quite a lot of people, both young and old, both pupils, teachers, ICT-coordinators, Headmasters and others.

At the event pupils from Denmark, using Creaza, presented how the work with the tool both for other pupils and for adults ;-)

It was really exiting to see how clever usage of Creaza they presented and it also gave us Creaza people some good ideas... There were pupils attending the conference both days and the well known "CreazaButtons" disappeared fast..

Some pictures:

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Kategorier: Creaza tools, Conferences