Arild Storm

I am a general expert and COO at Creaza. With my background as a teacher I really enjoy bringing Creaza to classrooms around the world.
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Creaza blogger på dansk

Skrevet af Arild Storm den 01-06-2015 21:16:00


For at komme tættere på vores danske tilhængere, har vi besluttet at opdele vores blog i fire blogs. Blog-indlæg, der er interessante for vores danske læsere vil derfor blive skrevet på dansk.

NEW theme: "Future Globe"

Skrevet af Arild Storm den 24-01-2013 22:37:03

Creaza will be adding a new Cartoonist theme in the very near future. The theme is called “Future Globe”, and it is set in the year 2050. This theme will enable students to work on relevant and current issues, such as climate change, environmental challenges and energy, in a futuristic perspective.

Introducing new Creaza content

Skrevet af Arild Storm den 12-02-2011 17:39:05

Planned upgrade of Creaza servers

Skrevet af Arild Storm den 31-01-2011 17:53:30

Due to a planned upgrade of Creaza servers, user might experience unstability from 17.00 CET today. The upgrade should be done within a couple of hours.

Creaza adding new content

Skrevet af Arild Storm den 30-10-2010 03:11:16

Today we have added brand new content for the MovieEditor. Oslo (Norway) is now one of the "World Cities".