Creaza 4.0 med “Verdensrommet” og helt ny “Mindomo” er lansert!
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Norsk nyhetsbrev 01-2012 - Creaza 4.0 er lansert!
Skrevet af Carl Morten Knudsen den 18-09-2012 12:02:27
Large improvements on our Creaza Cartoonist iPad App
Skrevet af Carl Morten Knudsen den 14-09-2012 03:17:25
New Creaza Cartoonist tutorial in English
Skrevet af Carl Morten Knudsen den 01-09-2012 15:39:38
We are currently in the process of making brand new tutorials here at Creaza. We are also collecting good examples of "best practices" in schools, on how to integrate Creaza in the teaching & learning process.
New Cartoonist tutorial in Norwegian
Skrevet af Carl Morten Knudsen den 31-08-2012 00:44:54
We are currently in the process of making brand new tutorials here at Creaza. We are also collecting good examples of "best practices" in schools, on how to integrate Creaza in the teaching & learning process.
A new Crazy & Creative Creaza school year
Skrevet af Carl Morten Knudsen den 14-08-2012 14:35:00
Big things are in store for Creaza this semester!