Creaza started off 2013 by attending BETT at the London Exhibition and Convention Centre. We were very happy to meet so many people and receive such good feedback. On the last day of the conference, Norway's Minister of Trade and Industry, Trond Giske, paid our stand a visit. Giske went on a “speed date” with Creaza and several other Norwegian companies that provide digital solutions and tools for education. The purpose was to get some information about the different companies and to discuss the future of ICT and education both in Norway and the rest of the world. Giske was also given a brief presentation of Creaza, its parent company Inspera, and its sister companies WeVideo, Inspera Assessment and ExplorAmaze.
Aleksander Knudsen
Seneste indlæg
Creaza Nyhetsbrev 1 - 2013
Skrevet af Aleksander Knudsen den 15-03-2013 08:59:57
Creaza startet året med å delta på BETT-konferansen på London Exhibition and Convention Centre. Vi var svært fornøyde med å møte så mange engasjerte mennesker og å få så mye positiv feedback. På konferansens siste dag fikk Creazas stand besøk av Norges handels- og næringsminister, Trond Giske. Giske gjennomførte noen korte "speed dates" med ulike norske selskaper som leverer digitale tjenester og verktøy til utdanning. Hensikten var å få litt informasjon om selskapene og for å diskutere fremtiden for IKT i utdanningen både i Norge og i utlandet. Han fikk i tillegg en kort presentasjon av Creaza, moderselskapet Inspera og søsterselskapene WeVideo, Inspera Assessment og ExplorAmaze.
Creaza the Nacima way!
Skrevet af Aleksander Knudsen den 24-02-2013 12:23:11
Nacima teaches math and science in the fourth and ninth grade at Brageskolen in Sollentuna. This is a very good school, and their main focus is on language, both verbal and writing skills.
Creaza - Extreme Makeover!
Skrevet af Aleksander Knudsen den 24-01-2013 01:27:46
Creaza will be undergo a major upgrade this coming thursday. We are very happy and excited to announce that we will launch a brand new, and drastically improved, version of Creaza's website!
Creaza will be present at BETT 2013 – Will you?
Skrevet af Aleksander Knudsen den 23-01-2013 13:43:09
It is that time of the year again - It is BETT time!