Creaza Premium to teachers & learners through AV Media Skåne

Skrevet af Aleksander Knudsen den 11-04-2013 19:38:13

AV Media

Creaza is proud to announce that more than 50 000 students and 4 000 teachers in more than 30 schools from 20 different Swedish municipalities now all have access to Creaza Premium through AV Media Skåne! AV Media Skåne will, in collaboration with Creaza, begin conducting a large-scale pedagogical education initiative for teachers. We will start this spring and continue until spring 2014. Is your school an "AV Media Skåne" school? Keep an eye out for AV Media's newsletter for more information.

We are looking forward to an increased focus on creative learning in Sweden!

Aleksander Knudsen
Skrevet af Aleksander Knudsen

I am the support manager in Creaza, and I know all there is to know about how Creaza is working. I have been working in Creaza since 2012.

Kategorier: 21st Century skills, Digital skills, Creaza tools, Flipped Classroom, Skåne, Thematic universes, Space, Creaza Education, Digital competence, Mindomo, iPad, Cartoonist, Sweden, Creaza, Presentations, Language learning, MovieEditor